Friday, December 26, 2008

I'm Now on Amazon!


The Book Cover: Ta-Daaa!

As I was writing our family Christmas letter (finally!) I had to do some quick fact-checking about my book, Almost the Truth About Youth Ministry: Salesmen, Secretaries, and Smart Alecksand found out that it is now available for purchase at

This is not earth-shattering news, of course, but it was kind of a thrill for me. Makes the book feel just that much more official, you know? And people are more likely to be hanging out around than (even though I get a bigger share of the $$$ when it's purchased directly from lulu).

If there's a youth minister in your life that you haven't given a copy of this to, what better way to celebrate the New Year?


The First Post

  I woke up with the idea for this new blog as a way to take the place of what I used to post in a Facebook "Note". FB doesn't...

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