Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Books I Read in 2019, Vol. II


THE MONSTER IN THE HOLLOWS: The Wingfeather Saga Book Three
Andrew Peterson 

From the publisher: “Join the Wingfeathers on a new adventure filled with mystery, betrayal, and sneakery in a land of tasty fruits. There’s a monster in the Hollows and the truth lurks in the shadows.”

From me: It’s a little misleading for the publisher to say “on a new adventure” because this really is a continuation of the epic tale woven in the first two books in the series that the author promises to end in the next one. This quarter of the saga goes much deeper than the first two. There’s a real sense that a person could learn more about life on Earth by understanding life in Aerwiar.

Page 56/Sentence 5: We ran.

Brian Jay Jones

“The author of the bestselling biography Jim Henson delivers a long-awaited, revelatory look into the life and times of the man who created Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Indiana Jones.”

Having deeply appreciated Jones’ bio of Jim Henson, I was thrilled to find this book. And for the most part, I was not disappointed. It’s certainly well-researched and informational and I love that the author was never buffaloed by Lucas’ nonsense about having had nine-movies’ worth of story from the very beginning. One curious sentence still has me guessing, though. Jones describes Lucas at one point as standing off to the side, hands deeply shoved in his pockets, and scratching his beard. Nice trick!

56/5: “I had all that young enthusiasm, and I was too busy to get into drugs,” he said.

THE PRACTICE OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD: Conversations and Letters of Brother Lawrence 
Brother Lawrence

“At the age of 18, Brother Lawrence underwent a life-changing experience...[that] gave him an overwhelming sense of the knowledge and love of God. This slim record of his mind and heart was first published in 1692, a year after his death. In M. Beaufort’s words, ‘these writings will prove very useful to souls who are pressing forward to perfection by the practice of the presence of God’.”

I found this while browsing through the library. I had heard about the book and Brother Lawrence many, many times, but had never read this, so I figured it was about time. Having been written in the 17th century, it is certainly a different kind of reading experience, and it requires concentration, but in the end, the effort is worth it. The book encouraged me to not only devote more effort to spending time with my Lord, but also to not make a big deal about it when I don’t.

56/5: I consider myself as the most wretched of men, full of sores and corruption, and who has committed all sorts of crimes against his King; touched with a sensible regret I confess to Him all my wickedness, I ask His forgiveness, I abandon myself in His hands, that He may do what he pleases with me.

THE WARDEN AND THE WOLF KING: The Wingfeather Saga Book Four 
Andrew Peterson

“Sea dragons lurk in the waters. Wicked Stranders crawl through the burrows. Ridgerunners and trolls prowl the land. Cloven haunt the forest. Monsters and Fangs and villains lie between the children and their only hope of victory  -  in the epic conclusion of The Wingfeather Saga.”

It’s hard for me to write anything here: 1) Fear of giving away any of the many surprising turns in the book; 2) My words can only fall far short of describing the mixture of emotions I experienced as Peterson brought this tale to an absolutely perfect conclusion...while still pointing forward in the spirit of hope for what happens next in the lives of the characters.

56/5: He knew that the other Fangs could hear as well as he - the Bat Fangs even better, perhaps.

PRAY BIG: Learn to Pray Like an Apostle 
Alistair Begg

“Do you struggle with prayer? In this short book, Alistair Begg combines warmth, clarity, humor, and practicality as he examines Paul’s prayers for the Ephesian church to show ordinary Christians how to pray like an apostle  - why to pray and what to say.”

I’m a fan of Alistair Begg’s solid, conservative Bible teaching in the Truth for Life podcast/radio program, so when I found out about this book, I ordered it immediately. And I liked this book so much, I immediately started quoting it in my inspirational blog, Truth Is.... Look for those posts to show up starting in October.

56/5: It will be there exactly as God has planned, ready to be entered into on the day when God, who is shielding you on your journey, gets you to that destination.

ALMOST THE TRUTH: The Blog Archive 2016-2018 
Dewey Roth

“The continuing saga of a twisted mind. Here's 3-years' worth of blog posts from”

I’m not really so self-absorbed that I gain pleasure from reading my own book. But I DID need to read it through to make sure the print-on-demand process is working properly. That, and gosh I’m funny.

56/5: The show itself was stuffed full of the weird and goofy things that make Minnesota and its overwhelmingly Scandihoovian shall we say it...unique.

SCARY CLOSE: Dropping the Act and Finding True Intimacy 
Donald Miller

“Donald Miller built a career emphasizing the funny and smart bits of his personality. But when ‘playing a role’ turned into an identity crisis, it was impossible to find true intimacy. Don met a few guides who taught him the only way to connect with others was to be completely honest about who he really was. But in an age when we are our own publicity agents, would he be willing to impress fewer people in order to connect with more?”

I’m pretty sure I can’t recommend this more than it deserves. Are you an introvert who puts on a public persona when wanting to be accepted by others? Read this book. Are you an extrovert who thrives on the approval of all those people you gain energy from by interacting with? Read this book.

56/5: I’m talking about the fact I’d rather be alone or with a close friend than have to make small talk at a party.

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  I woke up with the idea for this new blog as a way to take the place of what I used to post in a Facebook "Note". FB doesn't...

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