Friday, March 31, 2023

Books I Read in 2023, Vol. V


Jerry Seinfeld

"Is this anything?" is what every comedian says to every other comedian about any new bit they want to try. Jerry Seinfeld has been asking that question since he was twenty years old and stepped onstage at Catch a Rising Star on the Upper East Side of Manhattan on a Monday audition night in 1975. This book is essentially the complete files of his lifetime pursuit of material to support the thrilling but unforgiving art of stand-up comedy. From his first six minutes on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson to his nine-year detour in a well-known sitcom, from Pop-Tarts and monkey astronauts to cotton balls and baby alligators in bathtubs. If the answer to "Is this anything?" was "Yes," it is included in this comprehensive compilation of his comedy.

I borrowed this from the library specifically for the long flight and lazy poolside hours of our recent Florida vacation. It was a decent way to while away the hours, even though the actual laughs generated could probably be counted on both hands and feet. I think I would have benefitted from the "Read by the Author" audio version...that I didn't know existed until I searched for the picture attached to this post.

First line: "Is this anything?" is what every comedian says to every other comedian about any new bit.

Page 56 / Line 6: I've been here nine years.

Last line: And it's not a wet dream, thanks to Flex Seal.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Jesus Revolution: The Movie, Not the Revival


Beloved and I went to see the movie, Jesus Revolution, because it is set at the beginning of the Jesus Movement in Southern California. My teen years in Northeastern Indiana were greatly influenced by the music birthed in that place at that time.

And the truth is, the whole world was influenced by these hippies, high school and college students, and yes, even some white-haired tie-wearers who dove into the truth that Jesus loved them.

The movie seems to be based on Greg Laurie's memoir and focuses on his conversion and romantic love story, rather than attempting to be a dramatic documentary of the Jesus Freaks.

I tried really hard to not be disappointed by that. It was a valid choice to tell the story through Greg's eyes. But I never really felt all that connected to him as a character.

That's not to say I didn't like the movie. I did! I mean, it has the character being played by the actor who is Jesus in The Chosen, jokingly saying that people say he looks like Jesus. That was a pretty funny in-joke. And then he clearly and heartwarmingly lays out the gospel and extends a call to all who are anxious or feel outcast or are looking for peace and love.

Well done.

It was, as far as I could tell, historically accurate and honest. Nobody came off as a too-good-to-be-true perfect example of faith, including Greg Laurie. That's an accomplishment for a "Christian movie"!

The timing of this movie's release and the Asbury Revival and the division in our country is interesting to me. It would neither bother me nor surprise me if something far bigger than box office receipts happened soon and very soon.

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  I woke up with the idea for this new blog as a way to take the place of what I used to post in a Facebook "Note". FB doesn't...

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