Sunday, May 9, 2021

Happy (?) Mother's Day


This was my first Mother's Day without Mom.

It's been 28 days since she died and I thought I was mostly done crying. And then Pastor Brad went and lead us in a special prayer during worship. He didn't even need to start actually praying and I was already tight-throated, unable to breathe, and sitting there with shoulders bobbing up and down in a silent sob.

It's not like I talked to her every day...or even every week...but the thought of having no one to call this afternoon gripped me hard.

But I'm grateful.

  • Grateful that we were able to visit with Mom a couple times just three weeks before she passed and that she was still lucid and funny, even though her short-term memory was shot.
  • Grateful that her final days weren't filled with pain or regret.
  • Grateful that our relationship was always one of love and trust and that neither of those things was ever strained to a breaking point. She never gave me any reason to doubt her love for me, and I believe she could say the same about me.
  • Grateful that in over 63 years of having Georgina Della Smith Roth as my mother, not once did I ever wish it weren't so.

Nobody is perfect, but God blessed me with a childhood and a life-foundation that has served me well and left me unscarred.

Her children stand and bless her.
  Her husband praises her:
“There are many virtuous and capable women in the world,
  but you surpass them all!”
Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last;
  but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.

Proverbs 31:28-30 (NLT)


  1. OH Dewey..........this says it all!! I feel the same way, just haven't put it into words.


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