Friday, September 27, 2024

Freedom to Control Your Own Body


Not wanting my inspirational blog, Truth Is..., to become saturated with personal rants, please allow me to use this outlet to blow off a little steam.

I am grieved at the current political ads that use the phrase "the freedom to control your own body" as the patriotic-sounding code words for "the ability to kill an unborn human."

This is not a matter of religious faith, but of basic biology:

Some may say, "That's right, and I have the right to say whether I want to incubate someone else with my body."

Yes, you do, but the time to make that decision is before you get pregnant. Because the minute you conceive, you are now dealing with another person's rights, not just your own. You have every right in the world to flail your arms around at random, but that right ends at the point where your arms come in contact with someone else's nose.

You do not have the right to harm someone else, and that pre-born human is someone else, with their own DNA, fingerprints, and heartbeat.

Calling abortion "personal reproductive rights" does not change the fact that it ends a human's life.

Some may say, "But it's just a blob of tissue...a product of conception. It's not really human, is it?"

Again, I'm not espousing a religious belief, but basic biology. When two humans have sex and the female becomes pregnant, the product of that conception is human; no different from you or me except for their size, level of development, environment, and degree of dependency.

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So, my dear political candidate, when you smile into the camera and tell me I should vote for you because of your plans to uphold a woman's freedom to control her own makes my stomach churn, my eyes water, and my heart grieve.

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